Saturday, July 29, 2017

Congenial-speak #35

The World's a Stage

What does it say when the U.K., commentators, rockers (Bono, Roger Waters) are maligning our leader? When have we really cared how good or bad theirs is? He's insulted, snubbed, disparaged, or just appalled with behavior that's inconceivable of anyone stepping on a world stage, every nation with whom we have an alliance. Lord knows he has given them reason to from day one, beginning with the Aussies. He has criticized Canada, said boorish things that a ten-year-old would know not to say on foreign trips, and shown his ignorance of other country's' histories and customs.

The Scarecrow

A study, which also gave apt rankings to both Clintons and Obama, had Trump's IQ at 156. Now I have no question of whether IQ is a measure of book smarts. It is definitely not. Whatever intelligence Trump possesses, evidently 156 points worth, has been cultured to engrandize himself. He is totally unwilling to learn anything that will not help him. White-collar criminals are smart, geniuses in many cases. Frank Abignale, the “skywayman” from Catch me if you Can had an IQ somewhere in the 130+ range. Trump is a hack, a fast talking New York snake oiler. Abignale has said the cons he pulled off in the 60s would be a hundred times harder today. I seriously think Trump would fail as a paper-hanger then and now. The only reason he is succeeding at hanging America now is that he is not alone. He is POTUS , he has his core supporters who'd likely set themselves ablaze if he said it was good for the soul. He bullys people into giving him loyalty, he has people like Scaramoochie the talking douchie to kiss his ass. Trump is a demented Lex Luthor type. Superman's arch enemy was cunning, a method minded thug, but he had one man on whom his energy was focused every day of his life. Trump masquerades as an altruistic man who will make America great again. If his IQ is 156, it is some kind of warped self-indulgent intelligence that is so savant-like it is barely evident in every day life.

Colossal embarrassment

I kept waiting for the medal folding chair to be wielded on the debate stage. When “little Marco” spoke of the first million from daddy I really thought Trump was going for the foreign object. Rubio, for me, revealed Trump's Achilles's heel. He would no doubt say as much, but in all honesty (which is safe in D.C.) Trump is not a self made billion, or even million, heir. He kicks and screams and spews orange skin flint. When backed in a corner he attacks Megan Kelly, Rosie, or lying Ted's wife. He mocks the defenseless, glibly says he'll sue anyone who's crossed against his rights 20 years in his past, and tells his one and only African-American friend he has nothing to lose. He says they are living in a flaming dung-heap and that voting for him can only help their situation.

He got elected by making the poorest, angriest, most hungry-for-any-half-baked-deal, Americans trust him. He channeled that twisted hate-mongered 156 quotient though the gullible swampland that detours through Appalachia. A precious angry number of men and women believed him. They had given up on the “American dream.” For them, such fallacy was long dead and buried. The tiny demographic, that comprised an adequate number of the electorate, were nihilists who saw Trump, the man with big money (filthy money) the reality TV star who they watched on their big screen from Wall-mart they could ill-afford, as the Molotov cocktail to hurl into party politics.

Send in the Clowns

Prebis, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, Graham all had their parts to play in the mellow-drama. They all used their respected skills to enable those 156 points to work to create chaos in the WH. When you put someone who would be happier in a fascist government at the head of a functioning democracy it's a slippery slope. There are correlations, few, but far between. Hitler was at least as insane as Trump. Most good dictators are. The common gene, like the opposable thumb or right angled arm, is the one for megalomania. Der Fuehrer had his enablers. If they displeased him, infuriated him, in-subordinated him, I'd guess he had them killed. Trump only fires his dissidents. If they out-trump him, talk too much, or like to go their own way, they walk toward the WH door like lemmings.

Do people look at Germany and say, how did a nut like that ever lead your country in the 1930s? At first I thought it was something that could be a collective responsibility. I did not vote for the guy obviously, so I can rest easy. But all those who did, did note vote at all, wanted to be conscientious and voted for Stein or even Johnson, those a case can be made of collective responsibility. In any other election I'd say vote your conscience, even if realistically your candidate faces overwhelming odds. I spoke to one Green Party voter. She cast her vote for Jill Stein when she carried less the 10% of the popular vote. She said she was making a statement. Her thought process was that each election the door for the Green Party would open a little more. Fine, that is a noble goal. Here is a man who is threatening womens rights, LGBT rights, Muslim rights, basically the rights and ability to pursue a happy life of anyone whose daddy did not give them $1,000,000, went to Wharton business school, and is morally bankrupt. 2016 was not the time to score one for whatever gipper is misrepresented. To me, not voting for Hilary, if only to vote against Trump, was possibly an act ironically as self-centered as something Trump would do. It was totally ignorant of the communities that are now feeling his reckless laws. It was an act that ignored the families of the deported, the Mexicans on the path to citizenship suddenly having to fear deportation raids. Not voting against Trump ignored the LGBT community and now the transgenders in the military. It quite frankly ignored the military, their safety, by giving them a commander in chief who dodged the draft himself. It put thousands of lives in jeopardy by electing a leader of proven incompetence and proven refusal to listen to those with competence. This idiot withdrew from nearly unanimous world agreement on climate change. Now I think anyone with a scintilla of intelligence would agree that Hillary was not going to do any of this.


It is nearing the 7-month stretch. Polls usually gauge things, like a president's approval rating. If it were now asked, whether you are—or is America—better off than they were seven moths ago, what might the answer be. I wonder...........depends who you ask. If anyone said yes to that question, I'd seriously question their politics, their ideals of America, and what history they studied in school. But let's think big, globally, because Irish and English rock stars find our leader as toxic as I, and most of America do. They sympathize for the situations target groups in our country have been in since January 20. But I don't think they hold the non-voters, Trump voters and third-party voters responsible. I do. There's really no escaping it, god knows we've tried.

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