Fools Rush in
I think the White
House is an Adult Day Care Center. The closer one gets to the oval
office, the more the adult supervision dissipates, tends to recede
into the woodwork in search of the grace under pressure of Dolley
Madison in the hot summer of 1814. I get an image, a quixotic
reckoning to the movie One Flew Over the Coo-coo's Nest. Few
of those characters at the ward had to be there, as few in the
White House have ever truly stood by Trump. They are all insane by
proxy, living a life of delusion, paranoia, and self-loathing all for
the survival of a barely recognizable GOP base, an elephant most of
them would shoot only for its ivory. As in the movie, Trump is the
outsider like RP McMurphy (Nicholson's character) who goes crazy, is
crazy, gets lobotomized and then, well, has a date with a pillow.
Kelly Anne Conway is nurse Rachet keeping it real (or fake) but
keeping everyone there, the grand enabler.
America needs to
take a good look at itself. I grew up seeing democracy fighting for a
place, fighting for blacks, for women, for a way to end a war. From
Civil Right Acts in 1964 to Watergate democracy integrated blacks (on
paper) and forced a tyrannical president to resign. It laid a
standard that no one is above the law. The president does not make
them and he—or she—can not break them. In Ten Years and Change
I wrote about a time when democracy was displayed to me at its
fiercest, at its most utilitarian, as the most useful sharp tool in
the shed. LBJ was a Democrat. That said, Trump was one as well. He
ran as a Republican he said because they would be stupid enough to
buy anything he says, to stay at his hotels, to buy his daughter's
things made in China. He played an entire ideology
for a bunch of saps,
rubes, the lowest, most cogent, human denominators; greed, lethargy,
fear, pride. He sucked everyone, from the General who listens to him
like he makes sense to the marine private saluting him. I would give
a marine 50 dollars if they altered the salute with one finger. I
mean, what the hell at this point, at this total eclipse from
reality. Well, partial eclipse. I have never gone there, and most
people I know won't. But at least a third of the country, most of the
WH, all the marines, police saluting and securing him, when they know
full well he would not break a sweat for them. He would not put down
his golf club to execute a logistically reasoned raid or bother to
make a fuss when they die for him and the country he, and they, swore
to defend.
Who cares to see
the BIG picture, the one that's projected after Trump and maybe
McConnell's generation are long dead? Will they ever spin in their
graves? How can they top themselves. Let's be optimistic, cautiously,
and say in the year 2525—as in the song—all those things in the
song are true, but humanity has finely come to terms with itself,
they figured life is too short to keep fussing and fighting. Thanks
to America, to Trump rejecting the Paris Accord in 2017, the world is
given a prognosis of a decade (that could cause WWIV). But, as most
people think of MLK, RFK, JFK, FDR, Lincoln, Regan, even Nixon
rolling in their graves now, in 2525 as America rejected how Trump
made it better again and chose instead to take care of each other,
give everyone an equal shot (basically what Sanders has been stumping
since the 1980s) would the earth move? Would it feel the rotation of
dead tyrants, martyrs, extinct polionic speakers who tried to take
away health care from millions? Will the tug of war, the battle of
the two-parties, a dichotomy of errors exist in the year 2525 “if
man is still alive?” Actually that is the foreseeable future. That
will be the second chance to have a woman in the WH after the
embarrassment of 2016, the blemish, the erosion of sanity, decency,
of morals by a perversion of a party who preaches them. A decaying of
scruples to the point of sending a man who as a private citizen would
have to register as a sex-offender (unless Alabama let's one marry
their second cousin) to the senate.
The Bent Spoon-fed
The world is bent,
the insanity ripples across the pond to the very people who have long
abandoned monarchy as a form of government as far as having the first
and last word on anything. Germany maybe empathizes with us. Hitler
came with most of the defects Trump has and set about creating a
world that is unimaginable to humanity. A world that, for the 20th
century, looked quite behind its time. It was a regression of
humanity to a classified and killing state. After the Civil War, the
counter-productive efforts of Reconstruction, Jim Crow stripped
constitutional rights away from the black man. In a way, the laws
mirrored the Nuremberg laws. Democracy was always at work, though,
somewhere in the heart of America, above the Mason-Dixon line.
Somewhere in America, during the Great Depression, through the Civil
Rights Movement, through women's efforts for equality, to DREAMers'
wanting fair treatment, in America there is always some group that
shall overcome. There are always voices that come though the night,
disturbing the giant as he counts money. At the 1968 Democratic
convention, when thousands of draft-age students protested an immoral
war the whole world watched, and the tear-gas used to disperse them
seeped in, disturbed quasi-hawk Hubert Humphrey in his Hilton shower.
The people are heard. Democracy gets through. It finds a way. It
trickles down, up, in, whatever preposition seems appropriate.
The Germans did Bomb
Pearl Harbor
The fantastical
world, the kool-aide drinking cult, the lynch pin who'd sign any bill
for applause, the Trump period in history will be remembered like
Watergate, the Vietnam War, it will go down as a reminder as the
time when the governments' lies became par for the course, when the
line between fact and fiction blurred, merged to one clear picture
(SMALL) all the pathetic deluded paranoid men and women, void of any
integrity, saw. Seriously, America has taken leave of its senses. Or
is this an existential warp of time? Can America survive anymore, as
a union? Maybe it is time for America to secede from within, to
reject each other and live in our respective realities. We could have
Real America and Trump-land, West of the Rockies (they'd be the first
to fall off). But would it work, could the so-called haves get a long
without the existential have-nots. They might have to put down their
golf clubs to mow a lawn or clean a toilette once in a while. I
really think Trump has brought democracy (and elephants and tigers)
to a dangerous level preceding extinction. Jim Crow differed mostly
from the Nuremberg Laws because there was no plan that succeeded it.
(Until 1941 there was no real plan in Germany.) No one wanted, except
maybe your KKK and fanatics, to commit genocide in the blacks case.
The Germans tried eugenics with Commission #3. The point is America
never set themselves up to fail with a “Final Solution.” That was
arrogant, thinking it is possible to snuff out a group of people, an
ethnicity, a race. Did the Germans ever read Darwin or Mendel? What
doesn't kill us makes us stronger. Suppression of a race or ethnic
group can have a positive (for them) effect. Today your white
supremacists argue that Jews and blacks are taking over, that Jews
control Hollywood and the banks. Well, if that is true, who put them
there? Who created the situation that may lead to such supposed
domination? From having Jews as money lenders in the Middle Ages to
antisemitism forcing them on the Borscht Circuit to McCarthyism and
blackballing, the WASPish michigas has put Jews at the top of some
fields. Conservatives created that hunger, that drive, that
NECESSITY to get ahead. Suck it up Republicans, your ancestors made
your bed and now you lie in it. Now, with beady, red, meth weary eyes
you saw an opportunity, your savior, one who could make lies a
reality, fact fiction. He hustled you Roy Moore confessors in AL into
thinking he gives a shit about your welfare.
Now could be the
time, the ripe moment, when the hanging fruit has turned sour enough
to discard. It is spliced democracy juxtaposed against a mutation of
Republicanism, a hybrid of fascism, autocracy, oligarchy and a bit of
kleptocracy to sell it. Now is the time when all good men confess to
their assaultations of women, double check reality, echo loudly the
First Amendment, survey land east of the Rockies, and write our final
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