Saturday, September 2, 2017

Congenial-speak #42

A Vast Deference
of Seminal Vessels

When I first became aware of the increasingly likely fate of 800,000 DACA recipients I thought of how heartless it was. I also thought of how counter-productive and ignorant of history it was. Severing these young people from the only home they've ever known simply (let's cut the shit) because they are not “Americans”, white with ancestors who came were on the Mayflower, is blind to one UN-recusable fact: Trump, Sessions, Pence, and the rest of the peanut gallery ARE NOT AMERICANS. Unless one of them has a drop of Native American blood in them, they are technically in the same boat as the 800,000. (Ben Carson's ancestors may have arrived here on a different ship.)

Who knows what circumstances surrounded theses DACA kids' parents initial lack of documentation. Who knows what guns they were under when they came to America in haste, possibly at the dead of night. Are they supposed to be celebrate, banned from procreation, lest their progeny inherits their misfortune? The DREAM Act was a bipartisan bill sponsored by senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Orin Hatch (R-UT) in 2001. Its intended purpose was to provide a pathway to citizenship for immigrants. Its failure to become law spawned DACA. In 2012 President Obama introduced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Yes, technically it is a loophole which allows the offspring of aliens to call America home, to work here, to reap its ballyhooed opportunity. The recipients entered the country as minors, and provides them the chance to work and educate themselves without fear of deportation. Many are CEOs, captains of industry, immigrants who have but one strike against them; they are the children of those illegals, those rapists a drug dealers Trump wants a wall built to impede. The DACAs may carry a faded mark decades old, from generations now in their 3rd incarnation.

Sending back, to lands they never knew, 800,000 DACAs would be a losing situation for all involved. It would have a negative effect for them obviously, but also the American economy when they suddenly leave schools, or the workforce. How about the various countries' acceptance of these numbers of “refugees?” And I expect that any lingering support for Trump, save for his “red-meat-I-could-kill-a-guy-on-the-street” demographic, would disappear very fast. Like most things coming out of this circus tent on PA Avenue, the idea, the proposal, the idle threat by a small-thumbing tweeter, is barely baked and impulsive.

Why is this imbalanced an allowed to operate in government at all? From day one of his term he has done nothing but display his lack of respect and fitness for the job. With myriad conflicts of interest, violations in emoluments rulings, gross negligence of a constitution he swore to uphold and protect, he is not banished fro the White House. I don't get that. He did NOT get there fairly. If anything the 2016 election is a “do over.” John Lewis said it from the start. Trump is a bogus POTUS, or BOPUS. That was your first clue.

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