the end of the day
comes to shove
looked for the DUH moment. The GOP found it. You can't make this
stuff up, it is not fake news. Why you might ask, because the “POTUS”
tweets it, nearly verbatim, he says it in interviews, his lawyers say
it. So Trump is actually waiting patiently with a pen in hand to sign
the next bill to which he can append his name. Will the bill go up in
value? No, just in CBO scoring. What was the last count—thirty-two
million? No bill, no matter how many U.S. citizens it could
potentially kill, has ever become a law without the president doing
something. Researching it, cheering it, opening it to hearings, doing
some in-depth market study. McConnell's bill is the laziest piece of
legislation I've ever seen. That, in itself, tells me these guys
planned to fail. At the end of the day the ACA can be tweaked to the
GOPs' liking.
don't say Obama as a prefix or its unpopularity will defile the CBO.
Funny, the ACA is amenable, Obama care is not. Trump stumped from the
get-go that he would “REPEAL Obama care IMMEDIATELY” moments
after the throngs of inaugural spec-tents began to disperse. Yes the
Affordable Care Act was, by our own Democratic governor's assessment,
“not affordable.” It fast became problematic to the middle-class
who watched their premium sky-rocket. However, with Trump's bill
giving major ta breaks to the wealthy I can't see how the
middle-class thinks they'll be any better off. None of these guys
give a shit about anyone but themselves. Half of them are not even
politicians. Trump, his son, his son-in-law, his daughter, they've
persuaded a few remaining to screw America for their own financial
is your news source?
is MSNBC biased? At this point how can anything be biased? There has
been no aisle for a long time. I see Republican senators, current and
former, blasting Trump all the time. By definition, there can not be
a real bias. MPR, is that trustworthy? I watched FOX news one night
and in 5 minutes I heard a half dozen contradictions. I heard how a
witch hunt is going on, and pretty much a spicer take on the news.
Now how do you take the word of Sean Hannity and a handful of mostly
conservative politicians vs. noted journalists interviewing a wide
range of politicians from both parties? Look at twitter, Facebook,
SPAM for god's sake! The maority of its content is anti-Trump
suggesting—no asserting—everything the news “speculates.”
Yes, the nation is divided, but the approval of Trump has gone in the
opposite direction of every predecessor in their first year. I think
that speaks volumes. I agree that ever since Vietnam news, from any
source, should be sieved through anythinng but blinders. If it whiffs
of bias, the educated listener will know it. This issue, though, with
shovels scooping fulls daily, leaves little to be questioned. Trump
(and now it is a family affair) seems to want to bury himself, and
thinks that somehow a functioning governance will grow out of it.
there are those who say a witch hunt prevents the POTUS from getting
things done. It gets in his way. First of all, the GOP controls all
three branches of government. More importantly, though, if the “ties
to Russia” was a witch hunt, a totally unwarranted accusation, why
is such an effort of defense being made? If the accusation was
totally baseless why is everyone at the table of Liealot
lawyering up? How come no one from the team answer a simple yes or
no, an instead give a lengthily explanation of why a meeting
happened. Does the idea of protesting too much not raise suspicion
for the antithesis?
this is also no excuse for the failure of a bill. The fact is it was
pushed through the house. Minimal thought went into it. It was ever
fully read, it was never heard. Trump just sat with pen in hand,
waiting to sign a bill, just for the sake of penning his name to a
bill. In forty years, who ever still lives on earth will look back
and acknowledge how Donald J. Trump signed a health care bill and cut
taxes for the super-rich with one stroke. Mazel tov! He'll be a
footnote in wikipedia.
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