Friday, March 24, 2017

Congenial-speak #8

Fools rush in

A scrap of a babushka, a yellowed corner of a dossier, a sip of toxic tea prove something. Years of friendship with Paul Manaford sound incriminating, closer, closing in on the smoking gun or, if you choose to whiff, the poisonous pot of tea. He protested vehemently. Too much for any private dic to think otherwise. It could have been the poor 300-pound man in a bed, the guy Sarah Palin's saw in her window to Russia who sat on the Bering Strait. He tapped into America's electoral process, its tabulators, its electronic voting time machines quite accidentally. He confused his remote while trying to raise his bed.

Geo-politics earns the odd bed fellow, the effervescent prostituted shower and intelligible dossier. Trump, I believe, has a Putin fallacy, an admiration, an impractical emulation. Trump wants to be Russia. He likes its onion towers and plaintive democracy. Putin is three times the billionaire Trump ever claimed to be. His people fear him. They dare to revere him, and one rises up rarely to go away. He has the KGB track them, say its just, and shoot them in a Moscow street. But that is how Russians are, that's their oppressive, one voiced, oligarchical history.

America has always—I fear until now—been the land of the free. We also claim home of the brave in that war-worthy sobriquet. We are free to flip the president off if we choose. We don't even have to hide behind a blue bird tweet and could presently tell the president to take his policies and stick them. We fear no reprisal with non-threatening words, and even then our life is not at stake. It is a tough call—if you discriminate at all. From the beginning, in descending order of severity, the groups of Americans who were not free are; Native Americans, Afro-Americans, heretics, Jews, Asians, women, GLBTIA....who am I leaving out? The point is that, in essence “land of the free” is a half (or less) truth. Although maybe, like I am still learning about Christians, it is a work-in-progress. Freedom across the board is a goal, a benchmark, a tug-of-war prize, or just a subliminal patriotic message to remind us how good we have it compared to Putin's Dem-oligarchy.

Rarely in America are peopled killed protesting a government. They will be beaten, maced, gassed, hosed, whipped, but usually left with breath to protest another day. People do die, incidentally, provocatively (Kent State, 1968 DNC) in modern history. Killing was meager, controversial, tried, even before (Boston Massacre) we were a paper democracy. The CIA and FBI fathom justice. They miss information, or classify it to facilitate assassins. They bury their dead under so much bureaucracy, so much conjecture and hearsay, that after 53 years it is still argued who killed John Kennedy. Yes, presidents do end up dead in America, usually the ones who are trying to do, or have done, something good. JFK, RFK, MLK, Lincoln and all either did, or wanted to, advance America, disrupt the status quo, to bring the country beyond the bible-bound, tight-lipped, 20$ Andrew Jackson, convoluted sense of equality.

Black men still get killed, inordinately, indiscriminately, in the 21st century. If MLK were alive he would say its an abomination. He'd be sad at the irony, the pages of blister footed history that pushed a black man into a white house, only to have his successor (a racial opportunist) hate all his work away. I say it is back to a Crowish mentality, a lynch-mob sentimentality has crept back to America. The violence is captured on personal cameras, i phones, body cams, and other surveillance of individual space. It seems disproportionately black, and a buck says it is, but I do not make those decisions. I did not decide that Zimmerman was acquitted.

I believe, in spite of these discrepancies, America will never be Russia, never has and never will. Trump will never be Putin because we are the land of the “free.” We are a work-in-progress, like some hypocritical Christians (I conclude), it is something we strive to be. We are aspirants and freedom's just a theory, an AA chip, a reason to call this mess a democracy.

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