Sunday, May 6, 2018

congenial poetry #7

       The incident, an opportunity for poetry, availed itself to me in the aftermath of Howl, the Ginsberg collection of fluid imagery and social commentary on the reaction to having ones toes stepped on . It kind of put me in mind of a running forecast of America, where it's been and where it  will go, insinuating the common notion that its course, generally, is pre-determined. America cycles itself with such subliminal finesse it goes unnoticed and we think change is occurring decade to decade. I was reading a book called The Spitting Image: Myth, Memory, and the Legacy of Vietnam. It suggested that, among many things, the image of the abused, perhaps spat upon, veteran was used by H.W. Bush in the late 80s to get public support for his Gulf War. At least five successive wars were supported by their predecessor. America is amused, and people die over decades to provide that amusement, that sublimated passive-aggressive manipulation. Presidents, congressman heed the call, casting motives for their own agendas:


by Michael Amram

Each generation is a symphony

of reasons, its motives to write its mortality

the unique ability to codify its seasons

wading past muck, sucked sound raking war for

opposition it generates, paranoia for seeds of

propaganda it promulgates; the sequestered

cage rattles and rages, it's set out with bleachers

for sons' prodigy, set out to carry their destinies, to wager

on scores like the twenty-first centurions,

paralyzed gladiators with opposable thumbs,

figure-headed charlatans with transparencies;

growing swaths of wind amusing climatology

nursing skeptics, foes of syndicated serenity

copious cataclysmic kleptocratic telepathy to

transfix Atlantic currency, bowing

sycophants to Bolsheviks and dictatorial

Tudor mansion pupae, hatching them,

papier-mâché cocoons wrap in gossamer and feels

of Guccifer butterflys in ointments for democracy,

and generations learn to hear a tympani,

what drives the fife, the drum beaten too long

aisles of dichotomous origin end along the seams

the concerted refuse of ages of betrayal

of the pre-fucked, baked-in-cake portrayals

of discoveries in litigation, dictated stenographic

imaginations and bulbous-balled parasites

feeding upon UN-dead presidents, a massage of toupee

tenderness, spots that can't exist, learn, or expire

alone, can't conspire to obstruct a next generation's

shot at legitimate government or the

chance to get ahead, or just break even like the

angelic types who accept it all, shove words

down God's throat as though it were their own, kneeling

to genuflect toward heaven's stairs, looking toward

Mecca, proctoring prayers, divulging rudimentary Sabbath

brain-pan coterie, simple inseminated scripts

for genial puns of potpourri, leafleted parchments of text

lauding disparate, vociferous candidates

enthused with the scents and drinking in their oils

Each generation's home grown war,

each decade's debate destined to proliferate

each narrative willing to conflate

like individual lessons that conspires, weans

itself free to conjugate conversation

to the future in tense, leaving the past alone

in commiserate soulfully apparitions of

a glass that's empty as halves full with sounds

of WI-fi hash-tag hieroglyphics on cave

walls in the South of France where naked

options fester and pocket protesters

are not obscene to wear, forgot like clickish

sounds of ball-point pens, eliciting traces

of Pavlovian salivants marked for doves standing

with pigeoned toes, the fluid flow best fights

drifts in wind's gusted blows, caught dust of gilded

tribes of civility, a phalanx shielded by the

might in military, their book-ended, all their storied

sounds to worry right, scared to shine

a sliver of light on hypocrisy, hawking

hackneyed words of an ostracized dove

left calling for alternatives to war's ornithology

Each generation gets a prop up

doll, a marionette of its incarnate, martyrs

that wear thin the silk sleeves of

billowing pirate shirts, the mandated

blouses buccaneers past had

commissioned, crows' nest lackeys said

to have spat at legends, antitheses

of myths to fathom, recreating the initial

crimes, abrogation to resurrect

the deadened zombie veterans recanting

their pledge every day, stories war

doesn't hear, its lies to falls in rice dikes and

US jails, its guilt My Son left through

hails to hymns in lieu of Bill, of company

C who lost themselves to leave

M-16 grave markers where all the flowers

went, the missed thatching of huts

where young men raped and burned with

nary a distant repent in their eyes;

Each generation won't see, won't

hear, its enemy, acronyms intentionally

led askew for truths, halves, or

the omniscience construed alternate fact,

the truth's built from scratch, from

tar-paper and mortar shot-gun shacks, a kind

of PTSD that sews the seedlings of belligerence

old sods of foreign wars, of ISIS, KKK, Nazis

all domestic terrorists, and Lee leaves

a cue, and the Confederacy becomes a statue, for

treason of traitors in paralyzed, diseased

family trees, the sons of Civil War, of conscription

and commutation, of the “rich man's war

and poor man's fight,” immortal cliques sound under

whiter sheets that terrorized blacks and white

southern vets who opposed the war, they find

the weak links, the one who won't get

the alternative facts, who thinks outside, hears

without boxed in ears, the vets who

see a world that exudes their peers' dissonance

Each generation must bear a cross

resembling prior crucified fixated fools

for hire, burning crosses so their

flames will rise incrementally higher, so the

smoke dissipates, embers bifurcate

a reciprocal nature of sons in fathers' sire

conflagration's drones, and stealing

books for statues' dates to expire, mediums to

acquire history's exponential limitations,

the right empirical infatuations with alternative

fascist facts, reactionary pacts with Lucifer

a Goebbels faux simile, a knock-off brand of pious

homophobic stoicism called Pence-again,

to know best what God wants, to predict His vigilance

to cut and codify His imminence, the ICEd

trail, the leads to DACA's vast deferential operations,

clandestine ligation and forced fetal deliveries

waggling abortions by AGs who scar interstitial linings

the seminal supplementation's generation, they're

just leaves to shade and prognosticate the symbol's fugue. . .

and it lasts, circles itself viciously, in the end, vicariously

to amuse us to death

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