Thursday, June 15, 2017

Conggenial-speak #29

Bridge-gate trolls

Of course, taking up arms against anyone is never advised. However, I can't say I'm surprised. A disgruntled liberal, a Bernie man pushed to the edge, a man who, by all logic, should espouse tighter gun purchasing laws. I was a Bernie man. To me he is the real deal. He wants to break up the banks and does not let them favor him in the slightest way. But taking out law enforcers, makers, or Republicans stuck in 1840 is not the American way either. Did this true bleeding heart liberal accomplish anything? No, he stirred the pot, made the job harder for real liberals, sane Democrats who let democracy have a fair trial.

The money train

Data from the CDC indicates that, on the average day in America, 93 people are killed BY PEOPLE WITH guns. Yes, I feel the need to emphatically say this, to appease the second amendment stalwarts that retort guns don't kill people. Yesterday was not an average day. I'd wager that not one of those 93 people comes from the upper 2. The NRA has managed to turn the second amendment into a million dollar industry, a ruse that is indirectly enabling much more than the right to own a gun to protect kids from those kindergarten grizzly bears. The 146-year-old organization, curiously begun during an era of reconstruction, likely by sore losers of the Civil War, generated nearly $350 million in 2013. The NRA relies on membership dues, program fees and contributions. The majority of this money is used for a program newsletter, gun training programs and various forums for safety education. But, according to a CNN report on campaign finance, much of the contributing comes from everyday Americans. It is unlikely, though, that yesterday's GOP shooter was among them. (It is highly likely that, in 2011, congresswoman Gifford's assailant was a contributor.) The NRA, in its nepharious sanctimony, uses these contributions to keep pro-gun law makers in office, unless one of them gets killed. This ham-handed abrogation is on the rise and, as sure as I sip coffee from my “feel the bern” mug, shootings will continue to happen.

It is a killing field, a spree, a training of America. Or, since 1871, after war was fought to determine that unpaid humans could not be used as implements for industry, a re-training was deemed necessary. For decades following the industrial revolution 98 percent of the proceeds have been going into the pockets of the upper 2 percent, into salaries of CEOs, middle-men, third party transaction recipients, the Kochs and Wall Street bank. Little goes to people like the GOP shooter, an extreme example of the lower 98. People, I'll wager a few liberals even, contribute to the NRA. It is able to lobby, to advance their agenda which, in theory, is just Americans being who they always were. And its all fun until someone gets an eye out, or a congressman gets shot in the hip with massive internal damage. Jackson, Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, TR, Truman, FDR, Kennedy, Ford, Reagan all were the targets of assassins. The nation morns, flags fly at half staff, Speakers of the House say unifying things like “an attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.” The gun will come up tomorrow. Average Americans, with no particular bone to pick with the government, will contribute to the NRA. They have little idea, or simply do not care, of the cycle of violence, racism, and recipe for a trigger snap like yesterday's shooting that they are enabling. They sleep safe with their guns, with a flag ready to lower to half staff. They are good loyal tax-paying Americans. The NRA takes the revenue and lobbys. Pro-gun lawmakers stay in seats, their agenda's fed, gun shows put more guns on the street (yes, even if that was never their indented destination) and law enforcers work to get them off the streets, sometimes getting shot in the process.

No journalist yesterday would say for sure that James Hodgkinson's politics had any thing to do with the shooting. It is obvious to me that it did. He hated Trump so much, he was sick of the months of town-halls at which many GOP congressmen stood to Trump's policy, gave lip service, or flat out refused to show up. Now, Hodgkinson was described as an otherwise peaceful law-biding person. When someone like that snaps, a Bernie Democrat, one of millions (of much younger people), none of whom certainly would ever use a weapon against a human being, it is quite disturbing. The extreme disgruntled partisan gap has been crossed. This guy was no Timothy McVie, and compounds in Idaho were nowhere in his sights.

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